Tuesday, March 26, 2013

keep your eyes open

I haven't done shit here since October last year and probably won't be much more frequent than that for a while. I'm not very good with keeping up on shit like this. You may find that the eyemachine blog is updated way more often and there's little to tell here that they won't tell you there.

I've been busy in the "real" world. This shit never stops and you know it. Some very cool and exciting shit has been going on and connections are being made. Our once tiny operation has grown into a less tiny one. Shit is cool and none of it would be possible without Brain and their awesome house and the awesome things that go on there ("say...maybe we'll make a movie about the brain house"). I'll take this  opportunity to remind of the other places we do shit. Always keep an eye on The Rake's End where you can always expect some various varieties of entertainment and some of us and our friends making noises. Lot of shows going on at Cincy by the Slice downtown. I have not yet been but it's apparently a kind of pizzeria venue so pretty much doesn't get better than that. Look this place up. You can't go wrong with pizza. Good ol' Tone House Music in Northside for all you gearheads. Buy an amplifier. Buy a guitar. Play a show. All in the same place. It rules.  Check on all these places from time to time to see what SA might be up to. This is pretty hopeful and might not happen for a good while but new spaces are being looked into and sometime in the future we may have a new base of operation for house shows and shit. 

As far as new shit happening there's not a lot I can tell you. Or will. Pick one. I'll say this much.

There will be more new stuff from Renegade Snake Charmers real soon.
I hope to start work on shooting for a nice little film about us and the Brain House and such soon soon.
There might be a super special reunion of an old favorite for a one-off show soon. I won't say who yet but stock up on hallucinogens and ear plugs. 
We may be going into some new territories with the new shit and potentially new locations around cincity soon but definitely eventually. 
I hope to throw together a fund raiser thing or something. We need new shit. You need new shit. Maybe we can work something out and make an event out of it. 

That's all for now. Stay true folks. I may not be blogging...but I'm still watching.

Love you,