I assure you the absence of recent posts on this page is due to the enormous bounds we've been making, most of which take up too much time so I haven't been posting shit. Sorry.
Anywhat, sa has been working up a newsletter type thing called the "corresponder" which should be getting out by september. It will be a bit like this here blog thing cept it ain't got none a dem dere dowload links. Full of juicy goodness and poetry and art and some hype shit and some other dope shit you will be forced to enjoy.
Been playing a lot of shows lately but I believe it is now time for Smile Bomb to get some recordings efforts in the works. We may have some new shit to post up here soon. Hopefully get my hands on some other new stuff to post while I'm at it.
Trying to devise some scheme to make some dollars so we can possibly provide you with some cool t-shirts before it gets cold outside as well as some other tight swag in order to turn as many of you into walking billboards as possible.
That's all I got for now. Upgrades are coming. Patience momo. Patience.